Project Description
Years ago, when my colleague, Major, came to me to tell me that she wanted to create a side-hustle making popcorn, I kind of thought she was crazy. That being said, I was all too happy to help kick her brand off. Major had a very specific design aesthetic she was going for, so it was relatively easy to create her original logo. She knew that she would need to develop some cost-effective packaging as well, and together we decided that easy-to-print labels would be the way to go, and she loved the idea of using craft-paper bags.
Today, Major’s side-hustle has turned into a “small and mighty company that serves up your favorite popcorn made with 100% organic and vegan ingredients.” Although her brand and packaging have evolved over time, I’m proud of the tiny role I played in helping her. She is an incredible human being who had a vision and went for it full-throttle.
Also, the popcorn is AMAZING. @EatProjectPop